Breakfast Hill Golf Club / FALL TWILIGHT LEAGUE
Week 3 – Wednesday, September 18, 2024 / TONIGHT’S SUNSET: 6:46 PM
Format and Handicaps
Rather than counting the total number of strokes taken, it involves scoring points based on the number of net strokes taken at each hole. The objective in Stableford is to have the highest score. All handicaps have been adjusted to 80% from the appropriate tee markers.
All men will play from the black markers. All ladies will compete from the gold markers. Senior men (ages 65+) have the option to play from the silver markers. If possible, seniors must declare their tee selection prior to play.
Preferred Lies:
Yes within 12-inches in your fairway only.
Tie-Breaking Method:
Matching of scorecards starting with the most difficult hole, then second, and so-on until the tie is broken.
Today’s round should take no longer than two-hours, twenty-minutes. Make every effort to finish within this time limit. Remember: Feel free to pick-up if your teammates are already “in the hole” with your team’s two better-ball scores.
Food and Beverage:
There is no food or beverage included with tonight’s league.
Players are invited to “dine on their own”.
Posting Scores into GHIN?
Yes. Nate will post tonight’s scores to GHIN immediately following the final group’s completion.
One more week of Fall League remains! Don’t forget to sign-up at – click on “League News”!